History of the birth of Surakarta (Solo) began in the reign of King Pakubowono Kartosuro II at the Palace. At that time, an uprising Mas Garendi (Sunan Kuning) assisted Palace relatives who disagree with the attitude Pakubowono II who enter into an agreement with the Dutch. One of the supporters of this rebellion is Prince Sambernyowo (RM Said) who feel disappointed because the area formerly Sukowati given by the palace to his father Kartosuro trimmed. Because of urgency, Pakubowono displaced regions of East Java (Pacitan and Ponorogo). With the help of troops under the command of Maj. Kumpeni Baron Van Excellent Suroto Hohendrof and Duke of Ponorogo successfully quelled the rebellion. After knowing the palace was destroyed Kartosuro Pakubowono II and ordered Tumenggung Tirtowiguno, Tumenggung Honggowongso, and Prince Wijil to locate the new capital of the kingdom.
In the year 1745, with various physical considerations and the supernatural, Pakubowono II chose Sala village-a village on the banks of the Solo river-as a region that feels right to build a new palace. Since then, the village soon became sala Hadiningrat Surakarta.
Looking at the history of travel, it seems clear that the development and dynamics of Surakarta (Solo) at the first period strongly influenced other than by the Central Government and the Cultural Palace (Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran), also by Dutch colonialism (Fort Verstenberg). While economic growth and distribution through gedhe Market (Hardjonagoro).
Surakarta Map
HAL Meeting
Gate ( South )
BALAPAN Train Station
Cano Heritage
North Gate
Paseban Agung
Gede Market
Inside Market Gede
Agung Mosque
Front Gate
Old Solo